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Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Okay to Perform the Inspection Myself?

Inspecting your own potential house is not recommended. Home inspectors are specially trained to look for things you may miss. Unless you are a home inspector yourself, seek out a professional. Some states or financial lenders require a licensed inspector to complete the inspection.

What Is the Cost of a Home Inspection?

The cost of a home inspection usually comes out of pocket for the potential homebuyer. Costs can vary, depending on the size of the home and additional services you may request such as additional structures, unique architecture or the age of the structure. Discounts are offered at times that also may affect the total cost. Please call or e-mail me and I will do my best to get you the best deal.

What Is Covered Under This Inspection?

Not all home inspectors cover the same things and each state has legal requirements for home inspections. We inspect at minimum to the standards required by that state. As our motto says, We Do More!

How Long Will the Inspection Take?

Knowing the length of time for an inspection is important because you usually have to arrange a time with the realtor and the current owner. As general rule a home under 2000 sq/ft in good condition will require about 3 hours to inspect. A home around 3000 sq/ft in good condition will require about 4 hours to inspect. A home that has “issues” will require more time.

What Type of Inspection Report is Supplied and How Long Does it Take to Submit?

As part of our We Do More! motto we supply an easy to read full color report with pictures and descriptions of any problems discovered. And you get that report online same day. Our report is state of the art and your realtor will love it. This report allows the realtor to build a repair request list that can be easily emailed or printed and shared within whomever necessary.